Today’s blog is about longevity, which is simply defined by “having a long life” or “the ability to last (or live) for a long time”. But a better metric than simply how long life is is undoubtedly the notion of quality of life, which pertains a personal and individual reality. There is no singular approach to live a long or a good life as we all have different abilities, goals, preferences but also hurdles, obligations and backgrounds.
However, and no matter how we look at it, longevity is intrinsically linked to good health.
Patello Femoral Pain
Do you have pain at the front of your knee?
Whether called Runner’s Knee, Jumper’s Knee (It is called that because PFP is more prevalent in runners and jumpers) or in our medical lingo “Patello Femoral Pain Syndrome”, physiotherapy can help.
The Marathon Blog
All long distance runners have to face their fair share of injuries, pains or niggles which require TLC and management.
Back to Sports for Teens and Young Athletes
September comes around quickly after the summer months and for many families this means a return to the pitch side, the running track or the dance floor. A lot of youth sport and activities for young people will resume this time of year after some time off and we will also see training and matches return to a greater intensity for GAA at a youth level as well as Rugby season kicking off.
Young athletes can experience injuries acutely as a result of trauma for example after a tackle or a fall, running or jumping (e.g. sprains, muscle strains and fractures) as well as over time through overuse or changes in training ( e.g bone stress injuries) .
They can also be susceptible to specific types of injuries related to periods of growth .
So what things can we do in this busy time to help keep young sports people fit and participating in the sports that they love?
Here are some tips in regard to things that commonly come up in clinic.
Tendons and Triathlons
Overuse injuries of the lower limbs are commonly reported in short course triathletes. What types of tendon problems do we see in physiotherapy?
Age Well
Movement Is Life.
Motion Is Lotion.
Getting the hay in the barn for Triathlon Season!
Let’s swing!
Let’s swing! The complexity of the swing movement can sometimes seem overwhelming, particularly when injuries do occur. But complex doesn’t need to be complicated as understanding the basics of human mechanics can help to quickly identify areas in need of improvement.
Planes of Motion
Planes of Motion
Now we’re Renu
We’ve got a new name. Here’s what it means.
Low back pain – a mythbuster
Lower back pain is an area rife with unhelpful myths. We’ve looked at a few misconceptions here to help you navigate this common complaint.
Protecting you - our Covid-19 measures
Measures we have taken and how you can help, to protect patients and staff from covid19 infection.