
Exercise Rehabilitation

Exercise programmes tailored to help reach your goals.

When is exercise rehabilitation important?

Exercise and physical activity are one of the most important things you can do for your health. Exercise rehabilitation is beneficial for anyone who is deconditioned following an injury, disuse or due to a sedentary lifestyle.

Rehabilitation is also needed when pain acts a barrier to engaging in normal movement and activities of daily life. Pain can prevent us engaging in physical activity, working, or simply feeling safe in our movements. This can result a loss confidence in engaging in any activiting provoking that pain. This then impacts on our ability to do the things we value. With pain, exercise and movement can become scary, so we avoid it. However, research tells us that this avoidance of movement can make us weak, while regular exercise helps to reduce pain, disability and is important for muscle, joint, nerves and spine health.

Exercise rehabilitation also help with incontinence, poor balance and coordination, low bone density and poor general and mental health.

We will build a programme tailored to your condition, goals and lifestyle

The physiotherapists at Renu Physiotherapy can help you to:

  • Understand your condition

  • Identify the barriers preventing your movement and activity

  • Identify the right type and level of exercise to suit you

  • Build your program gradually to reach your goals

  • Provide strategies in line with the latest research evidence to improve your health

We start by understanding your concerns and needs

We know that each person with pain presents with different health concerns and needs, barriers and goals. Our interest is to understand these factors so we can design an exercise program specific to your needs.

We’ll start with a comprehensive interview to understand your health concerns, needs and goals. It’s vital for us to hear your story and experience in your own words. We want to understand how your health impacts on all aspects of your life so we can help you get back doing what you like. We’ll talk about your sleep and current activity levels. And we’ll will also ask you specific questions to ensure your problem isn’t caused by serious health problems.

We’ll then complete a comprehensive examination. If yours is a pain problem, this will usually involve looking at where you hurt, how sensitive your body is to touch and movement, and your ability to relax and move your body as well as your strength and fitness if this is indicated. If yours is a balance problem we’ll assess your strength, coordination and balance. Based on all the information we gather we will explain to you in plain english which factors are contributing to your pain, and discuss the best exercise rehabilitation options available to you.

Movement is medicine

We’re interested in coaching patients to develop confidence to exercise and engage in regular physical activity, to be able to participate fully in work and the activities of daily living. We believe in empowering our patients to achieve their goals. This process can involve a program that you do at home. The physiotherapist will help you develop an understanding of how to adjust the level and type of exercise based on your response, and how to react to any symptoms provoked during or after the exercise. We’ll graduate your exercises so they’re safe, simple and relevant to your condition. Having a clear plan and awareness of your body during exercise is key for developing confidence to exercise on your own.

Exercise is like a drug – and movement is medicine. Getting the right dose for the right person is important. We rely on your feedback to determine the right dose for you.

Talk to us about the right movement and exercise plan for you today. 

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